A thrilling card game where players compete to get as close as possible to a target number!

Created for the 2024 Schawcat Gamejam, this exciting and strategic game challenges players to use their cards wisely to hit the target number. With each turn, tension builds as players calculate their moves, trying to outwit their opponents and achieve the perfect score. Dive into the fun and test your skills in this dynamic game of numbers and strategy!


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I'm a little confused how I can get -106 with only positive numbers. Maybe this is just my poor math skills so early in the morning. Did I miss a negative number power up? I bought what I thought was a negation from the shop, but I didn't see anything new in the top toolbar

well you can do a smaller number - a bigger one. Like 1- 10 = -9 and then you could possibly do 9^2 etc :)

doesn't squaring a negative number make it positive?

Yes my bad, the point is a smaller number - a bigger one gives you a negative result. Then multiplication of that number would be the best way to manipulate it